Research areas

Family farming and agribusiness

This research area aims to assess how family farmers take part in regional agribusiness. It considers both farmers with great integration into agribusiness market chains and farmers that are marginal to the mainstream agribusiness sector (such as some settled farmers). Assessments focus on how farm business pathways evolve over time responding to institutional changes. This research area also supports studies on sustainable management practices adopted by family farmers, including its economic, social and environmental aspects. Last but not least, this area includes studies on agricultural policies targeting family farmers and how they help shaping farmers trajectories.


Environment and regional Development

This research area tackles environmental and social impacts caused by the agribusiness sector based on a multi/interdisciplinary approach. The area includes studies on enforcement of public policies, impacts of technological innovation, functioning of markets, business strategies and consumer behavior. The priority research topics are: expansion of the agricultural frontier; environmental impacts of agricultural modernization; regional agribusiness development; valuation of environmental goods and services; regulation of externalities; and markets of environmental services.


Competitiveness and governance in the agribusiness sector

This research area studies the competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex by assessing the relationships between companies, markets and institutions from the perspective of the industrial economy and the new industrial economy. It builds on a systemic view of agro-industrial chains underpinned by the following main axes: management of agricultural and agro-industrial organizations; analysis of business strategies; modeling of dynamic systems; agricultural marketing; evaluation of agricultural and industrial policies; impact of innovation and technology adoption for regional competitiveness.